December 8, 2009

These Experiences I Have Cherished...

The occasional fights with my siblings I have always cherished. I do not pick fights with them on purpose nor do I particularly like fighting, though I do cherish these moments and the moments that follow. I love how no matter what we are fighting about we are able to act as if nothing happened about five minutes later. We all are able to forgive each other easily because we all know that under all our current anger we still love one another. I also treasure my family and how they are always there when I need them. All our family vacations and road trips across the country are memories I will have forever. I would never change one bit of them. I would not change the stops every couple hours to go to the bathroom or trying to find a motel for the night and then having to end up driving for an additional five hours. Even the time when we left Arches National Park when it was 109 degrees and went to a place two hours away where we showed up in shorts and tank tops walking on the street in 29 degrees and everyone else bundled up. My memories I have with my friends I also value. They are the memories where one of us is in need of a hug and we drive over to her house no matter how late to give her that hug and then do not leave until we know she is truly okay. All these memories I have fighting, hanging out with friends, and being with my family have lead me to where I am now. These moments I treasure and it is even better to know I experienced them with people I love.

xoxo Love

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