December 13, 2009

These Lessons Life Has Taught Me...

Best Friends

Life has taught me a numerous amount of lessons. Some have been hard to take in and absorb and some have been easy, but I still indeed learned them. One huge one that was a relief was that no one is perfect. Seeing all the people in the media one believes that they must look and act like those people. I learned however that this is not true. The people that are portrayed on television and in magazines make mistakes, it is part of every ones' nature to make mistakes. It was a huge relief to me to learn this lesson because I thrived to be perfect. In my desire to be perfect I also learned another very important lesson. All my life I was an extreme introvert. I kept everything bottled up inside. This, of course, worked against me. I eventually would get so emotional on the inside that something as simple as not getting the key to unlock my truck would cause me to cry. I learned that I have all my friends that can help me get through any struggles I was having and that when I let things out I do not get so worked up over them all. This also led to another lesson; a true friend doubles the joy and divides the pain.

Dance Friends

When I got exciting news my friends were always there to congratulate me and celebrate with me. But they were also there for all my pain that I suffered. They helped me cope and recover back to my old self.

They taught me so much!

More lessons I have learned have been to cherish the little things in life because one day they will out weigh the bigger things. For example, after my grandma dying I cherish all those memories I have weeding her garden, even though at the time, I would whine about having to do it. I remember those memories more than the memories of her getting me any huge gift or anything big we did together.

All us kids! My brother was buried out of love!

Also I have learned that families are like old quilts although they tend to unravel at times each can be stitched back together with love. Part of my family fell apart last year. Not just my immediate family but also my close relatives. Seeing my aunt and uncle go through a nasty divorce was hard and seeing what it did to my cousins was even harder. I could not imagine what it was like, but they are all still close to both their parents. They showed me that even though their parents do not get along all that well it does not mean they are not family and the love they have each other have kept them together. Love will also keep families together.

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