December 8, 2009

These Things I Have Loved In Life...

Throughout my life I have loved several things…I love looking out at a scenery that is full of life and colors. They all speak to me in a different way. All the little things in life, whether it is a deer or a small, little, colorful butterfly, open my eyes up to a world that is not all bad, but also good. Seeing how everything grows and how vines wrap around something else in order to grow taller, shows me how I am that vine and how so many people have supported me as I have continued to grow. I love the sound of laughter. Every time I hear it I am filled with happiness. With this happiness normally comes a smile. I love when I look at someone and they have a huge smile on their face, their eyes get squinty and bright, and they have that sparkle to them that proves they are truly happy. I love the touch of anything soft. A soft blanket or stuff animal allows me to feel comforted and secure. When I feel secure, I tend to loose myself in a dream. I also love the smell of flowers. As I take a deep breathe, I smile. They make me remember the people that have passed away, like my grandmother and great-grandmother. They both each had gardens full of flowers and my favorite memory of them is helping them with their gardens. The smell reminds me how cheerful and sweet they were and how much I miss them. I love all my friends and family that have always been there for me. They mean the world to me and I do not know what I would do with out them. I love dancing. It is my favorite thing to do because it allows me to express myself in ways that I cannot do with just words. My favorite dancing is dancing in the rain. This way I can feel a presence while I dance and if I happen to cry while dancing it does not show easily, but most of the time when I dance in the rain I feel happy. These are the things that I have truly loved in my life.

xoxo Love

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